Prince Harry and Meghan Markle support for The Good News Movement

The Good News Movement has started the year with a bang after a royal endorsement.

Sue Papadoulis, founder of The Good News Movement in Australia, is thrilled Prince Harry and Meghan Markle used their Instagram account to shine a spotlight on the push for positive, uplifting news.

On their @sussexroyal account, which has 10m followers, the royal couple followed just one Instagram account @goodnews_movement, which only shares good news.

“For 2020 we will be continuing our tradition of highlighting accounts that inspire, and that remind us of all the good that is happening in the world,” the royals captioned.

“For January, we would like to shine a spotlight on @goodnews_movement. This journalist run-page covers and celebrates acts of kindness and good news in our global community.”

US based journalist Michelle Figueroa said she was honoured and humbled the Royals had featured her account @goodnews_movement.

“I’ve had 35,000 new followers, I was at 178 thousand before,” she said.

“Before this I was fortunate to count on the support and following of Kristen Bell, Jennifer Garner, Frances Bean and Maria Shriver.”

Mrs Papadoulis said it was inspiring the royals had used their platform to encourage more positivity in the world.

“Our good news site in Australia, also called The Good News Movement, is reaping the rewards of the focus on positivity,” Mrs Papadoulis said.

“We’ve had more followers on our Facebook and Instagram accounts and requests for media interviews from the UK who thought we were one and the same,” she said.

“It would have been great for the royal couple to endorse our platform but we are just happy they see positivity in the media as important as we do.

“Especially now at a time when there are so many people struggling in Australia due to the bushfires.

“There are always positives to be found.”

“Our mission is to focus on the good, uplifting and motivating stories that are happening,” she said.

Founder of The Good News Movement in Australia Sue Papadoulis.

“We want to demonstrate to the mainstream media that there is an audience for good news.

“A simple shift in focus towards the positive could bring about massive change in the world.”

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