A Woman’s Magical First Breath During Lung Transplant

A woman who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis has been filmed taking her first breath during a lung transplant operation.

Asher intubation tube was removedJennifer was told by doctors she could now breath on her own. and that she would also be able to talk.

The video that shows her look of absolute astonishment has received comments from around the world, with one saying her reaction made me think of all the simple things in life we take for granted like breathing.
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and a mucus build up that eventually causes respiratory failure.

Jennifer’s finance Rob Ronnenbergshared the video to remind others of the importance of organ donation.
In his thankyou note, Rob wrote, “thank you everyone for sharing this, there are people whose life literally depend on the generous gift of sharing your organs after you no longer have a need for them. Be a real-life hero and let your family know that you will be a donor.”

See the heart-warming Facebook video here


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